There are many detox / cleanses on the market. but there is "no one size fits all". Those who have my Gastra Girl Book, know about my Signature Chemical detox originally made famous by Dr George Yu, MD and Dr David Root ,MD in use with the first responders of 911 event and the Gulf War Toxicity campaign from the military experimental Anthrax Vaccines. I took their work and built upon it with my knowledge and clinical experience in fully supporting the elimination pathways for optimum results. But this protocol is for chemical detox and not for everyone. Or maybe I should say, not for everyone at the same time. There is order to health care. You can do all the right things in the wrong order. You can also "overdo" or "underdo" a program. It is imperative to individualize any detox / cleanse. Before embarking on a chemical or heavy metal or parasite focused cleanse, I suggest starting with Turpentine Protocol made famous by Dr Jennifer Daniels MD out of Panama. You can download for free and is called the "Candidae Cleanse Report". Don't let the title fool you. It is comprehensive for almost all situations. Why is the the first detox I recommend? Because a Turpentine Cleanse will clear away BioFilm which is an armored tank for "pathogenic" microbes making them virtually untouchable so they can overgrow and cause all kinds of havoc, and dis-ease. ... at least until the biofilm is removed and the terrain is corrected. I will write a blog soon on this Turpentine Protocol, and Biofilm, but this blog is focused on WHICH detox is best and so I am writing about the order one should consider doing detox. It is not a "one and done" type thing. Detox is ongoing. It should be daily with periodic deep detoxes. Before you can do the Turpentine Protocol effectively and safely, you should be having three bowel movements a day for at least 14 days. I also highly recommend you get two colonics the two days prior to starting a Turpentine Protocol. Most people can barely have one bowel movement a day so how do you get to that magic number of the three a day? Well you start doing coffee enemas made famous by my medical health hero .Dr Max Gerson MD. If you only go once a day, then do two additional coffee enemas a day. Want to know how to do a coffee enema? I have a coffee enema or aka... Asspresso Coaching video on my GastraGirl Youtube and Bitchute Channels. Dr Jennifer Daniels sells Vitality Capsules to also help you get to three bm per day. They are very strong and work well. The advanced formula has cayenne pepper in it for the most stubborn cases. So when you get to three BM per day for 14 days, then you can do the Turpentine Protocol. The mechanism on how it works is not how most people believe. This protocol does NOT kill parasites. This protocol dissolves biofilm, just like it is used to clean paint brushes and does so safely. When this protocol is performed correctly, it is easy and gentle. So before embarking on ANY detox, I recommend people start doing coffee enemas DAILY. Thats right. Daily! People ask me all the time, "Can't i just do one a couple a times a week"? I respond "Sure. Just pick the two days you want to feel fantastic and have clear head and lots of energy and just do the coffee enema on those days". Once you start feeling fantastic from coffee enemas it will become a wonderful part of your morning routine that you won't want to miss. And without giving away too much good details that steal the thunder from my video on Coffee Enemas, I will tell you that a daily coffee enema IMPROVES the microbiome and does not hurt it. Do you know what the first thing you do when building a house? It is not lay a foundation. It is clear the land. And in order to clear the land, you have to have all the tools to do so. You can't just pull a "I dream of Jeannie" and blink it done with your mind. You have to give the workers of the land all the tools necessary to properly clear it. In this analogy, the workers of the land are the systems in your body. Therefore, in order to do an effective detox / cleanse, you need to clear the land with the Coffee Enema and Turpentine Protocol. BUT, before you do those, you need give the body systems the tools it needs in order to be able to clear the land with the Turpentine and Coffee Enemas. These primary tools are enough pure water a day and if you are going to do daily coffee enema, you must juice once a day to rebuild the bile so you don't get depleted in minerals and electrolytes which almost everyone I work with is severely deficient in minerals and electrolytes to begin with. So anyone can start a daily detox program with drinking water, juicing once a day and then adding simple movement into your daily routine to move the lymph with rebounding a few minutes or going for a 20 minute walk. Ready to add a fourth tool for the body to be able to clear the land? Breathe. That's right. Just breathe, but not with chest or your mouth and not fast. Slow count of 5.5 seconds in and 5.5 seconds out through the nose. Mouths are for kissing, eating and drinking. The nose is only made for breathing. A great book / audio I recommend everyone get is James Nestor "Breathe". Read that and you will understand how important a detox mechanism proper breathing is. Another little detail to inspire you learn to breathe properly is that it will help you lose weight. By now, you have probably noticed I have been working backwards in this blog with telling you about the advanced detox work you do AFTER clearing the land, but I did so for a reason because most people do this. They start with the most advanced detox protocol for the longest time suggested and have a miserable time with it and terrible dis-ease reactions. At least Americans do this. Other cultures are a little more sensible and not as easily influenced by Hollywood it's puppet celebrities.
Pure water, carrot juicing, walking/rebounding and proper breathing, are the BEST ways to detox every day. For many people, I would also suggest AFTER they got down the above 4 practices in their daily detox lifestyle, to get a Far Infrared Sauna and the only one I recommend is Relax Far Infrared Sauna for a deep detox that is pain relieving and relaxing. You will need one in order to do my signature detox cleanse which is what this blog began with circling back around. What about Heavy metal cleansing and chelation? In my book Gastra Girl, Saving America One Colon at a time is a terrific article by Spencer Feldman of Remedy Link on Suppository EDTA chelation which is far gentler and more affordable and safer than IV and Oral Chelation and highly effective. But, before you can commence with any chelation protocol, you need to make sure your elimination pathways can handle it and address issues you might have with mineral depletion, and genetic defects like MTHFR. Any heavy metal detox requires a comprehensive and individualized support program otherwise you will most likely harm your kidneys and have a miserable experience. I have seen people have neurological damage from going to fast with chelation and not supporting the elimination pathways. What about parasite cleansing? Well, I am a terrain practitioner and not a "germ theory" doctor so I don't believe in killing anything. Parasites are like firemen to a fire. You have overgrowth of "pathogenic parasites" because you have a perfect toxic waste dump for them to flourish in. A person has an overgrowth of parasites acting more like a "mutiny" because they have run their body down with improper acidic diet, overwhelming stress, and not fully following what I believe are paramount for true health which is the "8 laws of health". Breaking these health laws is what builds the biofilm that allows the organisms to overgrow and crowd out the beneficial organisms. Without going into the details on that, if you break the laws of your being long enough, your body systems will start to break down and result in dis-ease. Rather than try to "kill" a microbe, which microbes always have the last word, I suggest changing the terrain that made it a perfect environment for "pathogenic" organisms to flourish. Yes there are emergency situations for MMS or Ivermectin, but as always, no one size fits all and it's about finding the perfect remedy for the situation. MMS and Ivermectin are advanced and effective detox protocols for ACUTE situations and have saved many many lives including my husband, but I certainly don't suggest them when you feel like a "common cold' , aka.. body detox is going on. Consider this when deciding on what Detox Protocol to try. What good is that detox going to do for you if every day after you complete the detox protocol, your body accumulates more and more toxins? Unless you improve your bodies ability to detox daily, you will wind up right where you began. Best to start with making a DAILY DETOX routine with periodic deep cleansing fully supported for your unique amazing body. 3 John 2: "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth".
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Gut Coach with over 20 years experience helping people feel better than ever. Archives
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